
I have two favourite television series: Lost and The Big Bang Theory, but this time, I'm gonna talk about the funniest one.

The Big Bang Theory (TBBT) is a comedy show, created by Bill Prady and Chuck Lorre (who also produces "Two and a half man", another television serie very fun) in 2007. The story is about the particular life of two friends who live together, their friends and her new neighbour

What makes this tv serie so funny?

he four friends are geek: they are scientist, they play computer, XBOX 360 and Wii videogames, they collect comics about Batman, Superman and so many others superheroes; they are big fans of classic movies like Star Wars, Star Trek or The Time Machine, and also TV series like "Battlestar Galactica" and "Sara O'conner' Chronicles". In summary: they live their own nerd-world: they don't have social life. But when a new neighbour arrives, their life change a little bit.

The main characters are five:

Leonard Hofstadter is a experimental physicist, who recieved a Ph.D when he was 24 years old. He has an IQ of 173, and he lives with his friend Sheldon in a apartment. When Penny, their new neighbour arrives, he falls in love with her.

Sheldon Cooper shares a apartment with his friend and colleague, Leonard. Sheldon is a theorical physicist, with and IQ of 187, and because of this, he was a "prodigy child",and has a master degree and two Ph.D. He suffer of faults of personality: he doesn't understand sarcasm and he hasn't sense of humor. This character with his particular personality, is one of the most important factors in the sucess of this comedy serie. (By the way, because of this acting role, Jim Parsons was nominated to an Emmy Award for "Best Actor in a Comedy Serie")

Howard Wolowitz is a Master in Engeneer, is judish and lives with his mom. He loves women, but he doesn't know how to treat them well. He is a kind of "pervert", because he tries to impress a woman with his strange skills of seduction.. so he never gets a girl.

Rajesh Koothrappali is from New Deli, India, and he has a Ph.D in Astrophysicist. He's normal, except for the fact that he can't talk to women. The solution for his problem is to drink a lot and get drunk, this way he can approach to a girl and talk to her.

Penny is the neighbour of Sheldon and Leonard (who loves her). She is a girl from Omaha, Nebraska, who wants to be an actress, but she only works like a waitress on a restaurant, "The cheescake factory". She is pretty, blond and a little bit silly, but with the pass of time, she will learn a lot of her new nerds-friends.

I think this is a really good serie, because despite its use of so much scientific terminology, the script is so original and funny. TBBT has a good production, though it hasn't special effects because it is a serie of daily life. The clothes are very special, every character has their own style, even in some chapters the clothes are nerd costumes like Flash, Thor and The Doppler effect, the last one is the most weird costume ever.

Memorable scenes with phrases like “I’m the sword master”, “Tonight I spice my meal with goblin blood”, “Who’s Radiohead” and “All I need is a healthy ovum and I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy!” make this serie a topic to talk and laugh about all day long!

If you're sad at this moment, I definitely recommend to you, right now, to watch TBBT... it will make you laugh like a child in a few seconds!

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