I love Sole Onetto. She's a chilean journalist, who works on Canal 13 News.

In "Estamos Conectados", Soledad showed technology like something simple, explaining the technology advances with simplicity and charisma. But the important thing of this program, was that she broke the stereotype of "technology-men", and I love that!
She also worked on:

- "Acoso Textual" of Canal 13, a talk show with only women.
- "Efecto Invernadero" a radio program of Duna FM.
- "Telenoche" of Canal 13, a news program at night.
- "6PM" of Canal 13, a news program at afternoon.
- "Viva la mañana" of Canal 13 too, a miscelaneus program at morning.
- "Cásate Conmigo", where people expose to the audience the "before and after" of their marriage... it's so funny!
- And her last big work, was hosted with Felipe Camiroaga, the 50º Aniversary of Viña del Mar Festival, the most important festival in South America.
Ummm.... I don't know if she is the best journalist of our country (or world xD), but I like her work, and also how she is: pretty, simple, professional, charismatic and closer with the audience. I hope to be a journalist with those features, and being a successful woman.. like she is.
Excellent job, Karina. Congratulations. You get 2 points.
"Estamos conectados", a very nice program.
I knew about the blogs with Soledad Onetto.
I remember "Cara & Sello", I like this program.
I like Ramón Ulloa, he is from Chiloé. Do you know it?
But I prefeer Iván Núñez.
Manuel (the library man) said to me that "Iván llegaba todo taquilla en su moto con chaqueta de cuero". Interesenting information.
Sorry, I speak spanglish.