
This is what I'm gonna (or what I want to) do in the next five years:

* Professionally?

- I'll finish my carrer, and I'll be a happy journalist.
- I want to work as journalist in a funny media like a cultural one. I'll be totally happy if I could cover music concerts, because it means free fun!
- I'm gonna write a urban chronicles book, and start to write romantic novels to be famous, LOL.
- Also I would like to do a master in comunication or study something else, like psychology!! Maybe in our country or not?
- I would like to do a documental... but I don't know about what yet :/

* Personally?

- I'm going to live with my boyfriend, my Gon, because we love each other and we want to be happy together. I guess we're gonna live in Santiago, but also I would like to travel with him to Spain, England, Australia o New Zeland, and live there for a while... why not?
- We're gonna have a little puppy!, because we love dogs :)!
- Also I'm gonna start to plan my wedding with my Gon (yes, it's true), because in five years I'll be 24 or 25 years old, and he'll be 30 years old. So, I think that's a good age (25 or 26) to get married :). That's doesn't mean that I want to be a mom in five years... no no no, not yet!

Maye you're thinking that I'm a dreamer, but I don't care. I want to come true all my dreams... and I think that I'll do it.

Anyway... dreaming is for free :D!

3 Responses
  1. Paula Says:

    Great job, Karina.

    The only thing is that you say "documentary" and "make my dreams come true".

    You get 2 points.


  2. It's CAREER, not carrer :P
    You've writen that word wrong, twice.

    I cant believe that have been (or have passed?.. ehh, whatever xD) two months since the last time i wrote on my blog. I think it's time to write a new entry xD


    PS: I've a HUGE problem.. I dont know what to write about

  3. Paula Says:

    Hi Karina, where is task 9?


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