My perfect job would be nothing to earn money :D! hahahaha, no, it's a joke (but a really good idea)

I would like to work on spectacle media, going free to music concerts and also to movie premiers. I really love music and cinema, so I think I would do a really good job. I don't know if I want to write in a magazine or newspaper, or to work on TV... I guess I will decide by the end of my career.

To being a good journalist it's necessary to know everything about we're informing. This is why we must be responsibles with our work, doing interviews to anyone who can help us and to investigate everything what is necessary to tell the truth about what we're informing. To be a good spectacle journalist (not a "SQP journalist") also it's necessary to have energies to come to concerts or premiers, and more important is to have a critical point of view to give an opinion about shows or movies watched.

I think I'll do a good job in a spectacle media because like I said, I love music concerts and movies, so I'll work passionately to tell people what's happening with culture in our country. But also I'm interested to learn about others culture expressions, like painting, dancing, drama, etc., so I would do a big effort to inform about that too.

I don't know if it will be dificult to find a job in a spectacle media, because culture is everywhere: Every month bands from different countries come to our to do concerts, and chilean bands also do that; movies has a premiere weekly, painters do exhibitions in many places and actors do their work in theatres... so I think it always be necessary to inform these activities to people who loves culture, and like to go there.

Culture will never die, and I hope spectacles journalism neither... because if this happen, my dream will never come true :( hahaha.

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2 Responses
  1. Ricardo Says:

    Kari! I know that you'll be a great spectacles journalist
    You're always going to concerts, so I think that you know a lot about music. That's so good!
    Luck with your dreams!

  2. Paula Says:

    Good Job, Karina. Your piece only needs a little of editting to make it perfect.

    You get 1.5 points.


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