
Like every year, november is the most stressful month of the year. In every class we have to do many things in a whisper of time... and that's awful! Anyway, 2009 comes to its end, and I'm so happy to realize that this year was so much better than 2008...

At university, things went very well, specially because I found some new friends: Chuck and Jose, and we had a great time together, laughing a lot all the time... I love them, hahaha. Another important thing was that, there were no strikes, so we had winter and september holidays LOL, and all the classes were very calm because of that. Also, I had many subjects that I loved like Interpersonal Comunication and Problems of the knowledge, because the teachers were very good (Osvaldo Corrales and Raúl Rodríguez respectively).

I thought that Photography would be a good subject, because we would learn how to use reflex photo camera and how to take beautiful photos… but no. I don’t have a pro camera, and the cameras of ICEI always were busy, so I couldn’t practice with them… that was so frustrating. The university should give us (ICEI) more money, and then we could buy more cameras to help students.

English class was the subject that I had all the year, and honestly, I didn’t like it so much. First, the hour of the class was awful: 6 or 7pm, and because of this I arrived very late to my house. Second, I don’t know how I’m doing the “pre-intermediate” and “intermediate” level, because my english level is so low… Talking and writing in english continues being difficult to me, but not to my classmates, so always I was on disadvantage… This is why at this point of the year I’m not very motivated with this class. Nevertheless, this semestre was better than the previous one. Classes were so much fun, because our english teacher (a real gringo, haha) made us play some games and listen to music... the exception was writing in this blog… I’m sorry, but I hate this!

I can’t say that I learned a lot of things at english class, but it was a good experience, and I realized that I really need this language… so I’ll have to take another english class in my future, hahaha.

In summary, this year was very good but also complicated… there was some subjects where I had to study very much, but I’m happy because I had good marks in my subjects (not excellent, obviously). I can say that I like my career, despite everything. If I work hard I will be a good professional.

Now, I’m tired of university… I want holidays!

Bye Bye english blog, Bye bye 2009!

My family loves music. I'm happy to say that my parents are "rockers", because they listen to bands like Dream Theater, Faith No More, KISS, Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, etc, and they not listen to music like Sandro, Puma Rodríguez or tropical bands like La Noche, Américo o Los Charros de Lumaco.

This love to music comes since a long long time, when my dad
was young and then he fell in love with rock music. My mom did the same when she met him. Since then my house is full of music. When I was a child, my parents left us (with my older sister) at my grandmother's house, and they went to concerts, so I guess that my family is the responsible of my love to music, because I feel like my parents and my sister are always with me...

I like music and I can't go anywhere without it. My mp4 is like my co-pilot, and it is with me all day. I can listen to happy, sad or energetic songs, depending of my mood. Sometimes it helps me to remember things, people or situations... and that's is very cool.

I really love all kinds of music like rock, pop, r&b, indie, metal, etc. That's why I have 130gb of music in
my computer, and why I like to go to concerts of any singer (not all of them, ooobviously). But I have to admit that my favourite band is not a rock band like my dad wanted, hahaha... my favourite band is Backstreet Boys.

I know that BSB is a pop-boyband of 90's, and now they are over 30 years old, but I don't care, because since 1994 I love them and the majority of their songs.

I like them because they have beatiful love songs and sticky melodies that make me happy. So, if I'm sad, I listen to one (or all) of their eight albums, and my mood becomes better. But, if I'm happy, I listen to them too... hahaha!

I don't know wich one is my favourite song of BSB, because I love almost of their 100 songs... but maybe "Safest place to hide" could be one.

The BSB' songs remembers me nice and good moments, specially with my boyfriend (yes, he likes BSB too), and this make me love them more, hahaha.

Like I love music, I have gone to many shows... like 10 or 15 big concerts. Robbie Williams, Evanescence, Placebo, Journey, Maroon 5, KC & The Sunshine Band, Ska-P, Joss Stone, Madonna, KISS, Tarja Turunen, Depeche Mode... are some bands that I have seen alive. But, obviusly, the best concert ever FOR ME, was Backstreet Boys.

BSB came to Chile for second time in March of this year. I bought the VIP ticket and went with a friend at 8am to wait for them at Movistar Arena. My boyfriend went too, but he came later. The show was incredible, they have beautiful voices and although that they are a little oldies, OMG! they are so cute... hahaha!

Now I'm gonna go to Faith No More the next october 30th with my family (L), but also I want to go to Commodores, Miranda!, Gustavo Cerati and The Killers...

Yes, I know... is too much money.

Spectacles is an area where I would like to work, because I love music, concerts and cinema, for example. But also in this journalism area, exist the news of the private life of stars, like singers, actors or models... Although that I don't like very much this kind of topics, I chose one of these LOL!

This news is about Michael Jackson's children and their protection of TV cammeras. I chose it because it's necessary be careful with the people' privacy.

When the band "The Jackson Five" announced that they'll come back to stages with a reunion album, the television network A&E wanted to make a reality TV show, called "The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty". But, when Michael died, on 25 of June, the program changed the topic of the program: now it would show the life of Jackson Family, and not the Jackson Five reunion necessarily.

The controversy comes when the "Us Weekly reported on Wednesday (14 October) that all three Jackson children, aged 7, 11 and 12, would take part in the forthcoming series for television network A&E". This situation brought problems, because MJ never wanted that they children were exposed to "social life".

Nevertheless, Katherine Jackson, MJ's mom, has denied that their grandsons will appear in the TV show. The same thing said an A&E spokesperson, and Rebbie Jackson, an MJ's oldest sister, because all they want to respect all the privacy that MJ wanted for his children.

Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson have lost their father... and they deserve respect for that, like anyone deserves. Show their lifes and pain on television would be harmful for their growht, so it has been a good decision not to include them in the TV show of their family.

If Jackson's Family wants to continue gaining money, ok, let them to do it... but let the children alone! Ü

If you’re a foreigner and this is your first visit to Santiago, pay attention, please…

The first thing is to be patient, because this city is too crowded, and everyone walk careless about other people. Also, you have to be careful, because there are “flaytes” (thieves), and they can steal your cameras, wallets, etc. And never trust someone you don't know, because there are some chileans who wants to defraud foreigners, charging more money than usual in services like taking photos or driving a cab, for example.

… but stay calm, Santiago also has good things.

Santiago isn’t a touristic city like Valparaiso or Chiloé, but it has some beatiful and funny places where you can spend a good time with your friends...

1. Bellas Artes Museum/Forestal Park: Both are in the center of

Santiago. You can go there by Subway (Bellas Artes station). The Museum

is awesome and very pretty, there are old and new paintings, and beatiful

sculptures. The Forestal park is perfect if you want to walk, or drive a

bike, because it is a large zone with big trees and child games. In

weekends, you can go there and watch cultural shows made for young

people, like juggling or making people laugh dressed like a clown.

2. Cajón del Maipo: A beatiful and natural place in the south of Santiago. You can go there to camp and to walk knowing the nature. Also you can do extreme Sports, like “rafting” in a river, “canopy” or “climbing”.

3. Plaza de Armas: If you want to know the center of Santiago, go to Plaza de Armas. You can visit the “Catedral de Santiago”, “Correos de Chile” and also there are sculptures, places to eat, paintiers who sell they work and draftsmen who can draw a cartoon of you.

4. San Cristóbal Hill: This hill has many funny places like a swimming pool, a zoo, a mini-park called “Jardín Japonés”, picnic areas, incredibles views of Santiago and a big statue of a Vrigin on top of the Hill. You can go there in a car, walking, on a bike, or in “funicular” (cabins that go up and down trough rails). The other funny activity that you can do is to raise on “teleférico” (cabins like eggs) that transport you form one place of the hill to other through the air (with cables)

5. Mahuida Park: This park is on “La Reina”, the East of

Santiago. Like San Cristóbal Hill, you can go there and do

many things because is too big. But the funny activities you

can do are: Paintball (a “war game” with paint balls guns),

or fly on helicopter (only if you have enough money, haha).

Also you can go to the hint of sled or do Bungy.

If you didn’t like my options, well… search for other touristic guide, haha!


I have two favourite television series: Lost and The Big Bang Theory, but this time, I'm gonna talk about the funniest one.

The Big Bang Theory (TBBT) is a comedy show, created by Bill Prady and Chuck Lorre (who also produces "Two and a half man", another television serie very fun) in 2007. The story is about the particular life of two friends who live together, their friends and her new neighbour

What makes this tv serie so funny?

he four friends are geek: they are scientist, they play computer, XBOX 360 and Wii videogames, they collect comics about Batman, Superman and so many others superheroes; they are big fans of classic movies like Star Wars, Star Trek or The Time Machine, and also TV series like "Battlestar Galactica" and "Sara O'conner' Chronicles". In summary: they live their own nerd-world: they don't have social life. But when a new neighbour arrives, their life change a little bit.

The main characters are five:

Leonard Hofstadter is a experimental physicist, who recieved a Ph.D when he was 24 years old. He has an IQ of 173, and he lives with his friend Sheldon in a apartment. When Penny, their new neighbour arrives, he falls in love with her.

Sheldon Cooper shares a apartment with his friend and colleague, Leonard. Sheldon is a theorical physicist, with and IQ of 187, and because of this, he was a "prodigy child",and has a master degree and two Ph.D. He suffer of faults of personality: he doesn't understand sarcasm and he hasn't sense of humor. This character with his particular personality, is one of the most important factors in the sucess of this comedy serie. (By the way, because of this acting role, Jim Parsons was nominated to an Emmy Award for "Best Actor in a Comedy Serie")

Howard Wolowitz is a Master in Engeneer, is judish and lives with his mom. He loves women, but he doesn't know how to treat them well. He is a kind of "pervert", because he tries to impress a woman with his strange skills of seduction.. so he never gets a girl.

Rajesh Koothrappali is from New Deli, India, and he has a Ph.D in Astrophysicist. He's normal, except for the fact that he can't talk to women. The solution for his problem is to drink a lot and get drunk, this way he can approach to a girl and talk to her.

Penny is the neighbour of Sheldon and Leonard (who loves her). She is a girl from Omaha, Nebraska, who wants to be an actress, but she only works like a waitress on a restaurant, "The cheescake factory". She is pretty, blond and a little bit silly, but with the pass of time, she will learn a lot of her new nerds-friends.

I think this is a really good serie, because despite its use of so much scientific terminology, the script is so original and funny. TBBT has a good production, though it hasn't special effects because it is a serie of daily life. The clothes are very special, every character has their own style, even in some chapters the clothes are nerd costumes like Flash, Thor and The Doppler effect, the last one is the most weird costume ever.

Memorable scenes with phrases like “I’m the sword master”, “Tonight I spice my meal with goblin blood”, “Who’s Radiohead” and “All I need is a healthy ovum and I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy!” make this serie a topic to talk and laugh about all day long!

If you're sad at this moment, I definitely recommend to you, right now, to watch TBBT... it will make you laugh like a child in a few seconds!


I've been thinking about to what country I would like to go… and I have some options. The first one is Spain, why? Because there I wouldn’t have to speak english or another language, hahaha. I’m sorry, but it’s still being dificult to me.

Anyway, Spain is a country with a rich culture (Architecture, music concerts, history, etc.), so I guess It’s not a boring place… I would enjoy it too much! Also, Spain it’s connected with the other countries of Europe, so it wouldn’t be a problem going to Portugal or France, for example.

Another option is going to England, because I want to be a "punctual person ", and always arrive on time, hahaha. I like England, it has a very good quality of life (maybe expensive, but a good one), so I want to live there. Also, I like soccer, and England (and Spain too!) has really good teams and stadiums, where violence doesn’t exist, and people can go to soccer matches and have a very good time.

Italy is another country that I like. Yes, I have to admit: I love italian food!, so if I live there… I will become a fat girl, hahaha. But food it’s not the only motive, because like Spain, Italy is a country with many interesting places to visit and to take pictures of them, like the Coliseum, the Tower of Pisa, etc… Oh!, in Italy also exists good soccer, hahaha!

The last option that I have is New Zeland, but I don’t know too much about it. The only thing I know is a country with a beatiful places and landscapes.

If someday I visit any of those countries, I would like to study and work there, because I think studing is very important to be a professional. If I have luck, I would like to work in something relationed with journalism or culture, and travel for all the country, making interviews and writing about the traditions and people of the country.

And if I have more luck, I would like to work in a spectacles media, and go to music concerts, and write about it!

Welcome back to everyone!

The end of my 2008 wasn't so good, but the begin of this year was great!

The first thing I have to say is that I started a new relationship with my boyfriend, and we're so happy together... that's the most important thing of this year Ü!

In January I worked in a supermarket, so I didn't do anything interesting...

My holidays began in February, with a Scout Camp to The Cipreses River in the sixth region of our country. It's a beautiful place, far from Rancagua, the closest city to the camping. We were there for one week, without telephone and only with a little bit of food... anyway it was funny and exciting!

In February when I came back to Santiago, I travelled with my family (dad, mom and my sister) to a camping in La Serena, fourth region. I love that city, and also it beach... so I was happy to go there. Days later my boyfriend went to see us, and we spent the St. Valentine's Day together <3.

Before the return to university, I went to Viña del Mar with my boyfriend for four days. We went to the beach, danced in a disco with some friends, and relaxed ourselves before the coming back to Santiago :B

I had a reaaaaaally good vacations, don't you think so? hahaha

About university, I can say I liked very much. I learned a lot of things, like writing chronicles and also the sychology of comunication. My teachers were very good, so I enjoyed the classes :)

Mmmm what else? Every sunday I went to my Scout Group, where I have activities with the girls that I'm in charge. They are so funny, so I love to be with them and to laugh together.

You have to know that I love music concerts, so the last semester I went to:

January: I went to two concerts: "La Cumbre del Rock Chileno II", twelve hours of music! with a lot of chilean bands. It was very cool. The other concert was "Crush Power Music", with bands like Los Bunkers, Orishas, Chico Trujillo and Auténticos Decadentes. I enjoyed it too :)

March: The best concert of my life, my favourite band: Backstreet Boys. I know, I know, they are a boyband of 90' but... Oh!, I love them since I was 15 years old! I went with my boyfriend and a friend. The waiting was so terrible: twelve hours, and the place was full of hysterical girls... hahaha, but the show was amazing, and they sang perfect!

April: With my family, we went to "the hotest band of the world...KISS" I have to say that it was one of the best concerts that I have seen. The show was ... in-cre-di-ble: good music, fireworks and a good company :)

I also went to Universia Rock (I don't remember the month), because I wanted to see Chancho en Piedra and Sinergia, two chilean bands that I like so much!... and I also went to the Pepsi Music Fest to see to mexican band Molotov :D

Mmmm I think that maybe you're bored reading this... hahaha, sorry, I guess that I got excited bye the "first" class.

See you the next week... with another post (shorter than this, I hope!)

Gud bai !

Yeaaaah, finally this first half-year is finished, and I'm so happy because of that :D

Like Michael Jackson's life, this blog comes to its end too, and I have to evaluate this experience like a blogger (my first one, because I don't have a private blog)
and I'll say that it was a good experience, but not so much. Posting in this blog helped me to dare to write in english, something I never did before. Although I learned some expressions and corrected my grammatical mistakes, it wasn't enough to improve "my english" significantly... but I guess I'm gonna improve a lot more with practice through the pass of the years.

I agree with blog tasks, because it's so much funny than to complete sentences in an english book. For example, in our english blogs, we can choose many things: like a name, design, colors, images, etc. On the other hand, blogging for this course had too many things I did't like, for example, the topics were repetitive... I mean, I know I'm studying journalism, but I don't want to talk about it every week. Everyone of my classmates have their own interests... I would like have written about other topics different from journalism. Also the time to do the tasks was too short... It is important to know that not all the students have the same english level (even when we're all on "pre-intermediate" level), so we don't have the same habilities to write, and this activity take us differents time to make it done (I would have preferred the entire week to do my tasks, because I have to do other things too).

Although this was a good opportunity to practice "my english", I must confess it was a experience very traumatic, really, I didn't enjoy it so much. Writing in class was so difficult to me, because I'm a little bit slow doing it... and to watch my classmates end all their tasks on time (I mean, in class), was very frustrating to me. So I had to finish the tasks at home, and it took me a lot of my free time or study time.

That's all...

Ooohh! I forgot to say that this experience helped me to know how to use a blog, hahaha!

Gooooooooooood byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
My perfect job would be nothing to earn money :D! hahahaha, no, it's a joke (but a really good idea)

I would like to work on spectacle media, going free to music concerts and also to movie premiers. I really love music and cinema, so I think I would do a really good job. I don't know if I want to write in a magazine or newspaper, or to work on TV... I guess I will decide by the end of my career.

To being a good journalist it's necessary to know everything about we're informing. This is why we must be responsibles with our work, doing interviews to anyone who can help us and to investigate everything what is necessary to tell the truth about what we're informing. To be a good spectacle journalist (not a "SQP journalist") also it's necessary to have energies to come to concerts or premiers, and more important is to have a critical point of view to give an opinion about shows or movies watched.

I think I'll do a good job in a spectacle media because like I said, I love music concerts and movies, so I'll work passionately to tell people what's happening with culture in our country. But also I'm interested to learn about others culture expressions, like painting, dancing, drama, etc., so I would do a big effort to inform about that too.

I don't know if it will be dificult to find a job in a spectacle media, because culture is everywhere: Every month bands from different countries come to our to do concerts, and chilean bands also do that; movies has a premiere weekly, painters do exhibitions in many places and actors do their work in theatres... so I think it always be necessary to inform these activities to people who loves culture, and like to go there.

Culture will never die, and I hope spectacles journalism neither... because if this happen, my dream will never come true :( hahaha.

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Sir Ken Robinson is a creativity expert. In 2006 he gave a TED conference when he told that schools kill creativity.

The exhibition announces the undeniable creativity of the human being, specially on children, because when we're kids, we're capable of using all our imagination and do all sort of things like drawing, dancing or painting. Lamentably, is the education system the one that makes us lose our creativity. How is this possible?

From the beginning of 19th century, the public education system has had a hierarchy on the subjects they teach, where mathematics and languages are in first place, and on the other hand music, drama, dance and all the art subjects are in the last place. Because of this, in these days the purpose of public education is to produce good workers, not people with creativity capacity. This situation is lamentable, because there are so many children with talents (writers, painters, dancers, etc.) that aren't taken advantage of their capacities, so they are forced to learn things in school that don’t make them happy.

This problem on education system also exists in our country. We, the students, learn to memorize, not to think and as a consequence of this, we don’t develop our creative skills. In my opinion this is true, because the school where I studied taught me so many things that weren't so important... that I completely forgot, hahaha!

How can we solve the education system problem? Sir Robinson says that "we have to rethink the fundamental principle on wich we're educating our children". We must to believe that "imagination is a gift, and we have to be careful now that we use this gift wisely".

The school has the duty to foment creativity, delivering an education that combines and gives equal importance to mathematics, languages, sciences and arts. This is how children, will become great persons in the near future.

If you think like Sir Ken Robinson, visit: http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html


This is what I'm gonna (or what I want to) do in the next five years:

* Professionally?

- I'll finish my carrer, and I'll be a happy journalist.
- I want to work as journalist in a funny media like a cultural one. I'll be totally happy if I could cover music concerts, because it means free fun!
- I'm gonna write a urban chronicles book, and start to write romantic novels to be famous, LOL.
- Also I would like to do a master in comunication or study something else, like psychology!! Maybe in our country or not?
- I would like to do a documental... but I don't know about what yet :/

* Personally?

- I'm going to live with my boyfriend, my Gon, because we love each other and we want to be happy together. I guess we're gonna live in Santiago, but also I would like to travel with him to Spain, England, Australia o New Zeland, and live there for a while... why not?
- We're gonna have a little puppy!, because we love dogs :)!
- Also I'm gonna start to plan my wedding with my Gon (yes, it's true), because in five years I'll be 24 or 25 years old, and he'll be 30 years old. So, I think that's a good age (25 or 26) to get married :). That's doesn't mean that I want to be a mom in five years... no no no, not yet!

Maye you're thinking that I'm a dreamer, but I don't care. I want to come true all my dreams... and I think that I'll do it.

Anyway... dreaming is for free :D!


I love
Sole Onetto. She's a chilean journalist, who works on Canal 13 News.

María Soledad Onetto González was born on July 27, 1976, and she studied journalism on Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (buuuuuu!). She has worked in a lot of media, like "El Pulso", the news program of Channel 2, called Rock & Pop (R.I.P.) where she started her carrer as a journalist. Then she worked in others programs and channels, for example: "Cara y Sello" of MEGA, and "Teletrece AM" (feat Ramón Ulloa, another journalist that I love because he is so cute ^^) from Canal 13. But it wasn't until "Estamos Conectados" a news program related to technology, when I started to become a fan of her and her job.

In "Estamos Conectados", Soledad showed technology like something simple, explaining the technology advances with simplicity and charisma. But the important thing of this program, was that she broke the stereotype of "technology-men", and I love that!

She also worked on:

- "Acoso Textual" of Canal 13, a talk show with only women.
- "Efecto Invernadero" a radio program of Duna FM.
- "Telenoche" of Canal 13, a news program at night.
- "6PM" of Canal 13, a news program at afternoon.
- "Viva la mañana" of Canal 13 too, a miscelaneus program at morning.
- "Cásate Conmigo", where people expose to the audience the "before and after" of their marriage... it's so funny!
- And her last big work, was hosted with Felipe Camiroaga, the 50º Aniversary of Viña del Mar Festival, the most important festival in South America.

Ummm.... I don't know if she is the best journalist of our country (or world xD), but I like her work, and also how she is: pretty, simple, professional, charismatic and closer with the audience. I hope to be a journalist with those features, and being a successful woman.. like she is.


I really like photos, but unfortunately, I’m not a good photographer and I don’t have a super camera. However, I enjoy a lot looking at pictures :)

I don’t really know about famous photographers, that’s why I chose this photo. It's very personal, and I love it…

This picture was taken by my father, about twenty years ago, and the woman in the picture is my mom :). I like this photo very very much, because is spontaneus and my mom looks so beautiful and delicate like she really is.

My daddy loves taking pictures, and that’s why my house it's full of beautiful photos. When I asked him about this one in particular, he told me: “I love this photo. I took IT in black and white to contrast the shadows and light and highlight your mommy"

He was right!


I must confess:
I don't visit websites related to journalism every day, because most of them are so boring! Although, sometimes I read AtinaChile!, where "ordinary people" become a journalist.

I like AtinaChile, because it's a site of "citizen journalism", where ordinary people writes news about different topics like science, technology and politic. Also, there is an "editor group" who writes articles too, specially editorials and interviews from VIP.

This website was created two years ago, but I read it since last year. I don't remember how I came to this site (maybe with an article that I read), but I liked the fact that ordinary people writes the news, giving their point of view about them, unlike the mass media where people seems to have no voice!

It's true, in this kind of websites, people "becomes" journalist and take away the work from "real journalists"... but it's not a bad idea, because as I said before, it's possible to hear
their points of view about their everyday problems.

Maybe, there are good spontaneous journalists.
Maybe, AtinaChile is correct saying: "por aquí va la cosa"


If I have to choose my favourite piece of technology, I would decide between computers or MP3 player (or MP4), because I enjoy using them all the time :D

My first computer was a Christmas gift from my parents, in 1997. It was black, very pretty... but it died years ago :(. However, since last year I have my own PC in my bedroom (not a laptop... buuu!) Although it's not new, (because my dad found it in the garbage of
the building where he works LOL) it helps me with all my University stuffs. I write all my homework on it, and also I can listen to music, surf the net, talk with my friends and my family with Messenger or Facebook.

Otherwise, I love portable music players. I had radio-cassette player, CD player, MP3 player, and now I have a LG Touch Slim V25 MP4 player, and I can't go outside without it! My parents gave it to me last Christmas, and I was very very very happy, because my last MP3 player died months ago.

Now, I have 4gb to listen different kinds of music (and to see videos too), that always be with me. I have songs for different situations like waking up in the morning, commuting to university, and going back home too. The music encourages me and sends me far far far away from problems or annoying sounds, that's why I get angry when I don't have my MP4 player in my pocket, or it runs out of battery.

Definitely, I can't decide between my music player or my PC, I can't live without them... both rocks :D!

Hello, happy people!

After a big effort learning how to use this blog, and write in english (i’m such a loser doing it), I’m here to tell you a little more about me.

Like any introduction, I’ll say that my name is Karina Mondaca, and I’m 19 years old. I live in Puente Alto with my parents and my sister, and I love them very very very much (and don’t forget my boyfriend, I love him very very very very much too).

However, there are many other things that I love, like sleeping and eating LOL. Seariusly speaking, I love being Scout guide to educate girls and youth, also listening to music and going to music concerts because I like to feel all the people screaming and the emotion in that. Maybe, that’s why I decide to study journalism: to get acreditation or free pass to every possible concert hahaha.

About english, I can tell you that I like it so much, but it’s so difficult to me :(. I always wanted to study it at an institute or something like that, but the problem is that they are so expensive. That’s why I decide to take this class. I’m sure that studying other languajes will help me to get into other fields that I like too. For example, travel around the world and talk to people there and to know their culture.

… and that’s all for now, ‘till next class if I learn to use this sh*t… I mean, blog.

